Recap Content

Experience the 2023 OFN Small Business Finance Forum through the videos included on this page, the many photographs of sessions, tours and gatherings, as well as links to session content.

You can also search hashtags #SBFF23 and #SBFF2023 on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook) to see what attendees and other supporters had to say about this year’s forum!


Small Business Finance Forum Hashtags!




Explore the Plenary Sessions

The Small Business Finance Forum-Opening Plenary and Welcome Remarks

Opening Plenary and Welcome Remarks

CDFIs and the SBA: Partners in Promoting Economic Development

CDFIs and the SBA: Partners in Promoting Economic Development

Seizing the Moment: How CDFIs Can Adapt and Thrive in the Changing Small Business Lending Landscape

Seizing the Moment: How CDFIs Can Adapt and Thrive in the Changing Small Business Lending Landscape

Wall of Fame

Enjoy a day-by-day look at the people who make our industry and #SBFF incredible.
See yourself? Tag yourself!

Keep the #SBFF23 conversation going on social media and CDFI Connect!

“The fact is that our climate isn’t changing, it’s changed, and unsurprisingly, the communities where CDFIs operate suffer disproportionately… OFN is making climate change and environmental justice a top priority. Environmental justice should forevermore be front and center in our work.”

— Harold Pettigrew, Opportunity Finance Network

“Clearly CDFIs were tremendous in partnering with the SBA [on PPP] and ensuring especially towards the end that capital got deployed to the smallest of the small businesses, to the solopreneurs, as well as women and people of color, rural communities, veterans.”

— Isabel Casillas Guzman, U.S. Small Business Administration

Session Resources

Breakout session presentation materials are available for free on CDFI Connect.*

*See the “2023 OFN Small Business Finance Forum” category in the left-hand menu and select “+” to expand the folder and access breakout session materials per forum day.

View Resources


Thanks to Our Sponsors!

2023 SBFF Sponsors