Take Action: CDFI Participation in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
CDFIs and our mission partners are critical stakeholders in the successful implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GHGRF or Fund).
The CDFI industry must urge EPA to design a program that reaches underserved communities by partnering with CDFIs and other mission lenders.
OFN is taking a two-pronged approach to maximize CDFI participation in the program:
- Advocacy. OFN is drafting and coordinating responses to the EPA and other stakeholders to advocate for CDFIs and other mission lenders to play a central role in the Fund.
- Application. OFN will submit a GHGRF application in collaboration with partners.
The next 30 days are critical to ensure EPA develops a program that CDFIs can access. We urge you to take action in one of the following ways:
- Participate in the EPA’s virtual listening sessions on November 9 to advocate for CDFIs. OFN’s October 11 letter to EPA Administrator Regan has talking points.
- Send OFN your feedback by November 17. We need your feedback to shape OFN’s response to the EPA Register for OFN’s upcoming webinar on Thursday, November 17, at 2:00 PM ET or submit written feedback here. Your input will help develop a template letter CDFIs can use to submit comments to the EPA.
- Submit your own comments directly to EPA by the December 5 deadline.
Stay tuned to OFN’s blog and emails for more information on next steps.