CDFI Women’s Network Event: We’re Back, Now What?
Guest post by Vicky Stein, VP of Policy and Strategic Partnerships, Community Reinvestment Fund, USA
Please join the CDFI Women’s Network on Thursday, April 21, from 5:00-6:15 pm ET for our first virtual networking event of 2022! As social distancing, masking, and other COVID-19 restrictions lift and the economy begins to open up, many of us are returning to work in the office. This event is an opportunity to share and exchange views about what this may look like as we move into a new phase of the pandemic.
Participants will be placed in small groups to discuss the following topics in three sequential self-directed breakout sessions: (1) Will your organization require you to be back in the office or will there be a hybrid option for employees? (2) What will these work options mean for work / life balance and for working parents who have come to rely on a more flexible schedule? (3) If your organization is offering a fully remote options, what does that mean for organizational culture and advancement opportunities?
We invite you to come and share how your organizations are handling this next phase and what it will look like for all of you. Bring your ideas and your suggestions to these informal discussions with other members of our community!
Register now! Registration closes on Monday, April 18.