Oweesta Program Officer Reflects on Native CDFI ‘NEDTalks’

On October 22, First Nations Oweesta Corporation held “NEDTalks” (Native Economic Development Talks) as part of their day-long Native CDFI Convening at the OFN Conference in Washington, D.C. Oweesta program officer Nikki Foster recently shared her thoughts on this year’s NEDTalks, which featured insights and inspiration from leaders of several Native CDFIs: Tawney Brunsch, executive director of Lakota Funds in South Dakota; Rob Aitken, executive director of Leech Lake Financial Services in Minnesota; and Ted Piccolo, executive director of Northwest Native Development Fund in Washington State.

“Even if you missed Oweesta’s initial livestream of NEDTalks, they remain available on Oweesta’s Facebook page,” Foster shared in her article. “NEDTalks are an opportunity to experience how these leaders—these storytellers and dreamers—describe the myriad ways Native CDFIs are fueled and strengthened by their grounding in Native culture and traditions.”

Read the full article.

Watch Oweesta’s NEDTalks.
