CDFI Locator
Please note the CDFI Locator is free to use. OFN is not affiliated with any party that charges money in relation to this tool.
Community development financial institutions (CDFIs) finance microenterprises and small businesses, nonprofit organizations, commercial real estate, affordable housing, and more. Use the search tool below to locate and learn more about Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) member CDFIs based in rural, urban, and Native communities across America.
Find a CDFI
Use the search filters to locate and learn more about Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) member CDFIs based in rural, urban, and Native communities across America. If you are an OFN member and need to update your CDFI Locator listing, please contact our membership team.
Note that OFN’s CDFI Locator does not reflect all CDFIs. There is not a CDFI physically located in every state, but collectively they do serve all 50 states.