King of Prussia, PA Pennsylvania Freelance Musician Receives CDFI Loan for Assistive Technology September 24, 2020
San Juan, PR Puerto Rico Food Entrepreneur Reaches $1 Million in Revenue with CDFI Financing September 3, 2020
Oakland, CA Oakland Food Enterprise Reinventing Itself Amid Pandemic with CDFI Support August 6, 2020
Phoenix, AZ Syrian Restaurateur Launches Business in Phoenix Through CDFI Refugee Program February 28, 2020
Vallejo, CA Vegan Entrepreneur Brings Healthy Food Choices to Northern California with CDFI Support December 13, 2019
Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Florist Expands Location with Support from Local CDFI November 15, 2019
Harrisburg, PA Pennsylvania Transportation Enterprise Serves Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities July 26, 2019