OFN Board Election


OFN Board members are passionate about OFN’s core mission, committed to our core values of justice and excellence, and determined to lead the opportunity finance industry in exciting, innovative new directions. Serving on the Board is a unique opportunity to help set the path for the opportunity finance industry’s future.

By requiring that two-thirds of the Board be elected by OFN membership, OFN ensures that diverse perspectives and voices guide the industry.

In 2024, OFN members will cast votes to fill four seats on OFN’s Board of Directors.  

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, read our blog, like us on Facebook, and sign up to receive our e-newsletter for the latest about OFN’s 2024 Board Election.



Cast your vote on October 23 at OFN’s Annual Membership Meeting during the 2024 OFN Conference.


OFN members who will not be attending the Conference can direct their proxy vote to Regina Robinson. Read our Proxy Voting Process for more information.


In accordance with our by-laws, OFN asks members to identify their CDFI’s Voting Delegate in advance of the Conference. The Voting Delegate is responsible for attending the Annual Membership Meeting and casting their vote on behalf of the member organization.

Stay tuned for more information about identifying your organization’s Voting Delegate!

Board Election Timeline

  • Nominations Open: June 28, 2024
  • Nominations Close: July 26, 2024 (11:59 PM nominator’s time zone)
  • Campaign Begins: September 5, 2024
  • Election Day: October 23, 2024, during the OFN Membership Meeting during the 2024 OFN Conference.

Board Candidate Criteria

Prospective Board candidates must be on the staff or Board of an OFN member organization and receive nominations from at least two different OFN member organizations to qualify as a candidate.

OFN expects Board members to attend all Board meetings. The Board meets in person or virtually four times a year, including once at the Annual Conference. Additionally, Board members participate on two or more committees. Each committee meets regularly on a schedule it sets.

OFN seeks a Board with ethnic, racial, and gender diversity that reflects our members’ range of financing types and geographic reach.


To nominate a candidate for the OFN Board, please complete this form.

Nominees for the OFN Board must be on the Board or staff of an OFN member CDFI and receive nominations from at least two OFN member organizations to qualify as a candidate.

Read our Candidate Profile for more information about what criteria the OFN Board seeks in Board members. Email Regina Robinson with questions.