
To help bolster the role of CDFIs in Atlanta and strengthen their individual and collective abilities to provide more opportunity in this underserved area, OFN designed and facilitated Teaming Up Atlanta in 2012. Supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the initiative brought together CDFIs based in or serving the Atlanta area. As a group, they worked together to continue to improve the quality of life in the city.


Teaming Up Atlanta participants identified three top priorities for the initiative.

Create a formalized referral network to promote collaboration among CDFIs serving Atlanta

Build the capacity of small business lenders

Develop a capitalization strategy focused on bringing more capital to Atlanta


Collectively, the group created a Profile Book that outlines the products and services, target markets, and organizational missions of the CDFIs and CDFI partners serving Atlanta. The
book was designed to act as a resource to educate borrowers about CDFIs, as a referral resource for other CDFIs, and also to inform banking, government, and philanthropic partners about CDFIs in Atlanta.

You can also read more about Teaming Up Atlanta in this article.

Read Profile Book

Young girl in Atlanta classroom


OFN thanks the following CDFIs for their commitment to this effort:

  • Credit Union of Atlanta
  • Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE)
  • Atlanta Micro Fund
  • Enterprise
  • NCB Capital Impact
  • Self-Help
  • Center for Financial Independence and Innovation
  • NeighborWorks

In addition, Teaming Up Atlanta has benefited from the active involvement of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Sustainable Neighborhood Development.


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