OFN Member Client Story Form

Your client success stories illustrate what it means to deliver opportunity for all. They help OFN demonstrate how CDFIs work to help create good family-wage jobs, decent affordable homes, healthy foods, locally-owned stores, quality schools and community facilities, greener neighborhoods, and so much more.

We invite you to submit client stories and photos that illustrate your impact. OFN may use these stories on our website, in national or local media pitches, on our social media channels, in our conversations with policymakers and partners, and in research and funder reports. For stories to have the greatest impact, please keep in mind:

  • Stories should be recent (within the last year)
  • Stories should include clients and/or partners who would be comfortable with sharing their photos and information
  • Clients and partners may need to be contacted for further details

Questions? Contact Ashley Austin.

Submit Your #CDFIstory

* Indicates required fields

"*" indicates required fields

CDFI Contact Information


The Facts

Please use whatever location you have available and is most relevant to the story. For example, a small business's physical location is preferred over the owner's home address.
Your client’s zip code is valuable for OFN’s advocacy work with federal policymakers. It helps us share examples of CDFI impact on the ground in their respective districts.
Date of Financing or Other Services
Type of Financing*

The Details

Please summarize key details of the story in 3-5 sentences. Ideally the summary should answer the following questions:
  • Why did the client need financing and/or technical assistance?
  • Did the client try for mainstream financing?
  • How did the client learn about your CDFI?
If you answered this in the previous question, please put "N/A". Your answer to this question is extremely valuable in making the case for CDFIs and why they're needed!
What can you share about the impact and significance of this project for the client and local or global community? This can be quantitative or qualitative. For example, # of jobs created and/or maintained as a result of the loan; # of people positively impacted in the community; benefit provided to the client and/or community; significance for addressing social issues.
Please provide a quote from the client and/or your CDFI about how the support from your CDFI has benefited the client and/or community.
Financing Program(s)
Which of the following special programs, if any, helped your CDFI provide financing to this client?
Any other noteworthy facts or interesting anecdotes about the client?
If yes, please describe (unless already explained above):
Please upload a maximum of three high-resolution success story images (Max: 10MB each)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Please download and complete our Story Release Form so we have permission to highlight your client across our communications channels. Or if you have existing documentation from your client that allows OFN to feature their story, please upload that instead.
    Max. file size: 2 MB.