Why Partner with CDFIs

Financing Opportunity with CDFIs

Catalyze change and create economic opportunities for low-income and other disinvested people and places where traditional finance doesn’t reach by financing community development financial institutions (CDFIs).

Investing in CDFIs supports small businesses, affordable homes, community facilities, energy efficiency, community development, and long-term, high-quality jobs across America.

Invest in CDFIs

CDFI Impact

CDFIs lend where it counts. They provide Black, Latino, Native, and rural communities, and other areas of persistent poverty across America with financing and technical assistance.

66% of clients people of color

85% of clients in low-income communities

27% of clients in rural communities

48% of clients women

Types of CDFI Financing


Investing long-term, low-cost capital in CDFIs allows them to reinvest in the communities they serve.


Philanthropic support lets CDFIs create the most impact. Grants are vital for helping CDFIs to leverage debt, build capacity, and grow net assets.


You can also invest in CDFIs via insured deposits in community development credit unions and banks, equity investments, and other innovative funding tools.

Multi-Dimensional Investor Returns


Join CDFIs in driving capital to people and places where traditional finance doesn’t reach.

Financial Earnings

Generate financial returns while making social impact. Financial earnings vary based on the type of investment.


Show your commitment to increasing access to capital for low-wealth communities.


Build a stronger, more inclusive economy.

Hear from CDFI Borrowers

Check out CDFI stories to learn about people and communities served by OFN’s membership!

2020 OFN Conference: Meet a CDFI Borrower - Stacia Morfin, Nez Perce Tourism (Official)
Stacia Morfin, owner of Nez Perce Tourism in Lewiston, ID
Meet a CDFI Borrower - Lori Gervais and Peter Searching Owl Giove
Lori Gervais and Peter Searching Owl Giove, homeowners and veterans in Danville, NH
Meet a CDFI Borrower - Barney Santos, BLVD MRKT
Barney Santos, owner of BLVD MRKT in Montebello, CA

Contact Us

Corporations and philanthropies interested in investing through Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) or directly in other CDFIs, please contact Anthony (Tony) Berkley, Executive Vice President, Chief Development Officer.

Contact Us

Invest long-term capital in CDFIs based on geography, balance sheet size, and impact focus.

Invest in CDFIs